Thursday, 4 May 2023

Twists and the New DNA

Dec 14th, 2012

Her bark twists clockwise, and sometimes counter-clockwise. And yet, she entwines and wraps herself around her companions clockwise – always clockwise – regardless of how her bark twists.

I approach Forest Ma, and even before I make offerings, she says, "It is for balance. DNA has two strands that twine round one another. My balance is self-contained in one branch or vine.  This is a higher expression – the vibration of the heart.  The higher vibration – the heart vibration, our vibration, the self-contained spiraling – serve to heal and upgrade your encoding. The medicine is in the inter-connection. The singular strand or vine only works or is activated in the interdependent system – for me, the interdependent system in the highly refined connectivity of the forest.

We will now begin to download this information to you. Remain open in your heart."

"What do I do to prepare?"
"As we have always told you, simple whole food, clean water. Simple life. Meditate. Clear heart space. Spend time with us often. Lead others in this medicine. Teach, share."

I had meant what do I do to prepare in the moment…? She had answered in broader strokes.

Wrapping my fingers around her vine, I close my eyes and feel the connection we share.  Suddenly, I feel a pressure on the top of my skull, as if something is pressing into me.  Simultaneously, my awareness and energy expand outward at a speed I cannot fully comprehend.
Information and images pour into my mind and spill into my body as complete somatic assimilation.  There is no time to decipher, discern or understand – the information is deposited as full and complete. Rewinding to “read” what has been given, I see we have access to an upgrade or new encoding to our DNA – but not necessarily to the DNA itself.  An image of a third entity or energetic substance – something of such high or subtle frequency that it goes undetected and exists “invisibly” beside the DNA – is shown.  It is not physical substance, though it can impact and reorganize the physical DNA.

The movement of this energetic substance or third subtle substance is how Ma downloaded or imparted this information to me through my own energy body.  Movements connected to spirals.

The energy entity is a "system" that is whole unto itself.  It emulates two balanced and entwined spirals sometimes going in opposite directions, and sometimes in the same direction, similar to how Ma does herself.  There is no perceivable difference between the entwined energies – it is simply One thing with variations in the current or movements within it.  This "energy-DNA" (for lack of better words) is more sophisticated than the human 2-stranded DNA, and is encoded in the plants and living planet and all the various inhabitants.  It is like our 2-stranded DNA is heavy, old and outmoded, and has the potential to be upgraded to this new, higher functioning energy-DNA.

The energy-DNA is Ma’s nature, their true deeper medicine, as Ma calls it.  The equivalent within humans will be activated through the awakened heart electromagnetic field, which is basically what she has been saying all along (what Ma calls open-heart seeing).  Though, from her messages last week and today, this energy-DNA activation via the awakened heart can only be accessed by coming into "right relationship" within the greater system.  For us, that will mean living in balance and interconnection with everything within Gaia – from all life-forms to the consciousness of the elementals, to the consciousness of the planet itself.

The impact of this information becomes overwhelming.  My hand repels itself from Forest-Ma’s vine and I fall back a few steps without even thinking – a reaction of fear as my mind reels. "Is this a metaphor?  Is this provable? What do I do with this? How do I explain this?" And within a split second, my struggles and doubt about the teachings suddenly increases ten-fold.  This is truly “mind-blowing.”

Just as quickly, I regret my reaction.  “Ma, I’m so sorry I let fear step in…” My mind sifts through the past 9 months with these teachers in a matter of moments.  Both Ma and Dark Ma have been consistently teaching the way of "right relationship" for the entire time I have been with them. Ancient Ma has been counseling regarding the basic healing that's needed for us and Gaia right now.  Her counsel is for "systems thinking" rather than just looking at the individual.  An example she gave is to look beyond the medicine of each individual plant.  The real medicine of these times will not be found there.  Rather, the medicine is found in the living, interdependent system, the connection through the whole.

Suddenly, all of Ma's and Dark Ma's messages over the past 9 months began to synthesize and coalesce into a clear pattern.  It is as if they have now provided context for the teachings, and not just the teachings themselves.

In her presence today, and most days, I feel like an unsophisticated and naive child.  Ma is taking a great deal of time to teach me through my being, and not my head.  For all I think I "understand," I feel like Ma consistently shows me how little I actually truly understand.  And in so doing, she re-structures my being at the level of my most basic building blocks.
A drop of water falls on my sleeve as if to say we are complete.

As I walk away, she calls strongly, "Listen to and obey us – your heart."
It is a firm directive.

I notice a light headache.

I walk to Ancient Grandmother Tree. I need grounding. As I approach her, I see hundreds of gossamer strands of spider webs that cover her bark, with thousands of miniscule beads of water from yesterday's rains. They appear as shimmering neural networks. Small mushrooms spring up out of the bark and between the strands. They seem to me to be intelligent little creatures. I make offerings, and feel overwhelm from the information download.

"Who will believe me? How will I get it out there?" I think of telling a friend who is an herbalist. A big drop of water falls directly on my crown.

And then another. "Awaken. Trust."

Grandmother has no other words – just her loving presence, the strands and webs, and the drip drip dripping waters.

I walk up the hill, attempting to mentally assimilate the information that is vibrating through my being.  I want to walk a familiar path.  However, I am so engrossed in the felt-experience that I pass by the turn-off into the deeper forest, and instead wander part-way up to the top of the hill.  I remember another turn-off and decide to visit a few other emanations of Ma, taking time to ground and also observe their twists and turns.  As I sit in their presence,
Overwhelm washing over me again, I am uncertain how or where to stand in these new teachings.  And then, I feel the whispers of Ma, and a deep heart-tug.  She trusts me as apprentice of her teachings – even these – especially these teachings.  My heart softens.

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